Category: What you shouldn’t do with a pool table

They hired a cheap pool table mover!

Their cheap pool table mover cost them dearly! Why oh why do people make decisions so poorly?  I tell people about the risk in our industry, I tell them cheap is not the best.  And what do they do?  They turn around and hire an amateur because it cost less. Everybody wants a diamond ring but they don’t want to pay for it, they want their pool table moved for next to nothing and go with the cheapest bidder which should raise huge red flags in the mind of the consumer but it doesn’t.  And the following story often becomes ... Read more

Don’t call me, it’s too much money

I usually get over 20 phone calls per day to move pool tables. Most of them won’t book their job with us.   The simple fact is that people are always looking for the cheapest price.  When you put that together with the fact that most people operating in our industry are either frauds or horrible at running businesses I don’t have to tell anyone with any level of intelligence that it often ends in a terrible experience. Just because I take 20 phone calls a day and deal with pool table movers every day…. geez you know what?  That’s ... Read more

Please tell me it’s not going to be….

One of those days for pool table moving I hope this isn’t a sign of things to come! First call of the day, yep bottom of the 1st.  She says she moved and had 6 people move her pool table into her new home,  I start feeling the desperation, oh god please don’t tell me. Oops sorry back to the call.  When they tried to flip it from it’s side onto the legs they broke off of the pool table!  Damn I hoped she wasn’t going to say that.  My hopes of helping her and getting a job fade quickly. ... Read more