The cheap pool table mover turned out to be a disaster.
You might remember a post I put up the other day about paying the cheapest price, The customer I referred to in that post called me today and said that unfortunately his worries had come to be true.
The cheap pool table mover caused problems, he said the pool table mover was over an hour late and I don’t remember the rest of the story so to make it a short version he called me back to make his appointment today.
I hope I was professional with him, I try and be this way with all of my customers and I really am concerned with putting out the best work we can for a fair price.
You see what many people don’t understand is that cheap anything is almost a disaster waiting to happen in many cases. Missed appointments shotty work, no return phone calls can cost you more in the long run than saving you money.
Dealing with professionals from the start can be not only a better pool table moving experience but can actually save you money, time and peace of mind for your job. Look we all spend more than we want to whenever we buy something, that’s the nature of everything we have to deal with in the market place but when a person does not charge for their pool table moving services this takes their ability to properly service the customer right out of the equation.
Our employers will never pay us what we want to earn and our goods and services will always cost more than we want to pay. There are some things we shouldn’t skimp on though. Pool table services are one of them.